To all you lovely new mummies and daddies out there, congratulations on your new bundle of joy 🙂 I have recently had many enquiries for London newborn photography sessions so I know you are all dying for me to capture photos of your babies while they are still so tiny, as they will never be this small again. I love creating memories for you and it makes me so sad that I have to turn you away. But my main priority at this moment is keeping your newborn baby safe and so I am not willing to do newborn sessions until it’s safe to do so. This is not likely to be until July at least for indoor sessions based on current government guidelines (based on the similarities to close contact businesses such as hairdressers/ beauticians).
If you really want newborn photos now, I am able to do them outside in a London park or your own garden from 1st June, keeping a safe 2m social distance. These won’t be the sort of posed images against a white background which you see on my website, but more lifestyle type poses with you holding your little one. I will still be able to capture close ups of their gorgeous face plus tiny details such as hands and feet, using my long lens. Here are some examples of a family photography session with a two-month old baby for you….

If guidelines still specify a 2m social distance then I may need to adapt the photos I take. A lot of the posed photos require continual close contact with your baby. In that case, I will concentrate on more natural poses where your baby is on their back, where I can easily ask you to help me to pose your baby. In addition, I would normally do newborn sessions within the first couple of weeks but it’s more likely I will do them a little later to keep you and me safe. Sessions can be done anytime up to about 6-8 weeks so I will suggest we move them later if it’s not safe to do the session at 2 weeks.

I wanted to share with you here some examples of the more natural poses I will be able to capture without close contact with your baby. Detail shots such as hands and feet and family images will be much the same as you see on my newborn and family photography session pages.
In addition, here are some photos of slightly older babies, ranging from 6 weeks to 3 months, to show you that I will still be able to capture some beautiful photos of your baby if you have to wait for your session beyond the normal two-week window.

I have always been super conscious of keeping your newborn safe with regular hand washing, sanitising of blankets and props and staying home if sick… but here are a few more safety procedures I will be following when I can finally come to your home to take your newborn photos.

There will be some photographers out there who will take the work but I implore you, please don’t put your baby’s health at risk. No professional photographers will consider opening (or will be insured) until it is safe to do so, so please wait this one out.
For information and pricing for your newborn photography session in London please visit my session page. If you have any questions or would like to make a booking please call Sara-Jane on 07958 734184, email or use the contact form. I look forward to hearing from you.